Where Story Fits in Academia

Where Story Fits in Academia

Where Shadows Hide the Sun is not a textbook but a complete missionary journey told in two volumes.

Delgado.WhereShadowsHidetheSun Covers Volume 1     Delgado.WhereShadowsHidetheSun Volume 2

The First Years may supplement courses such as:

Cross-Cultural Theory & Experience
Intercultural Ministry Strategies
Introduction to Global Missions
Global Islam and Christian Theology
Global Leadership Seminar
Global Studies Seminar
Practical Issues for Cross-Cultural Preparation
Spiritual Encounters
Spiritual Gifts
Team Building and Sending Agencies
Understanding the Spirit World
Working Cross-culturally

The Last Years may supplement:

Contemporary Issues
Engaging Islam
Intercultural Life & Ministry
Intercultural Practicum
Interpersonal Relations
Ministry to Muslims in Urban Contexts
Missionary Life, Administration and Relationships
Special Topics in Intercultural Studies
Spiritual Conflict Resolution

Supplemental Rationale

If we want missionaries to start well and remain healthy, it is advisable that, along with practical instruction, we give them opportunities to think critically and delve deep theologically regarding situations they are likely to face on the field.

It follows that we should provide an abundance of topics in an accessible manner (memoir as story) and present them as students will experience them: interwoven, reoccurring, and often unresolved.

Freedom to Think Critically, Reflect, and Explore

Since someone without renown or rank tells the story, readers are free to openly discuss any aspect presented and to critically examine the missionary’s decisions, worldview, and character, which in turn may lead to a better examination of themselves.

While discussion questions scripted to encourage personal reflection are provided, the problems encountered are not presented as they often are in other memoirs, with summative statements that prove theological points. Instead, readers are allowed to question the storyteller’s perspective and search for understanding.

Topics in The First Years

calling | spiritual gifts | spiritual warfare | methods of gospel proclamation | itineration | financial and prayer support | transition to the field | cultural adjustments | life on a missions team | relationships with leadership | conflict resolution | accountability partners | team building | unity in prayer | spiritual disciplines and practices | business as missions | managing finances and cultural expectations | families on the mission field | children as missionaries and their roles | following the leading of the Holy Spirit | ministry to Muslims | ministry to financially influential vs. ministry to poor | church planting | self-care | disillusionment | prophetic dreams and visions | civil unrest | receiving counseling | relationship to Jesus

Topics in The Last Years

healthy relationships with leadership | prophetic dreams and visions | hearing from God: practices and scripture | spiritual warfare | spiritual gifts | intercessory prayer | medical issues and care | relationships with other missions organizations | following the leading of the Holy Spirit | relationship evangelism with Muslims | honorable relationships across culture, gender, and religious barriers | culturally appropriate methods to proclaim the gospel | incarceration and response | stress management | civil unrest | sense of failure | death and grief in another culture | guilt | isolation | depression | compounding stress | business as missions | negotiating with religiously aligned governments | church planting in a Muslim context | seizure of property | interrogation | expulsion | death of a mission | hearing from God in times of crisis | reentry to sending culture | reliance on a support network | grief and PTSD counseling | unanswered vs. answered prayers | relationship to Jesus

Where Shadows Hide the Sun The Last Years Back Cover

For Sample Discussion Questions, visit Book Content.

More info: Interview with Delgado, Contact